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我公司於1978年成立以來堅持不懈的工作。我公司從多個國家諸如加拿大、法國、日本、南韓、台灣及馬來西亞等搜購各種優質膠帶及包裝用品,用家遍佈香港,珠江三角洲及上海華東地區由於品種多樣化,品質精良,加上誠意的服務,公司的品牌NIKKO日光牌JUMBO珍寶牌獲得越來越多用家稱許。鑑於電腦、電子及通訊產品的快速進步,製造過程中所需之特殊粘膠帶越來越多樣化,品質要求也越來越高。目前國內生產之膠帶仍未滿足上述兩方面要求而要依賴進口,所以3M、NITTO、SONY及TERAOKA等名牌仍佔領先地位,惟其價格多屬偏高,成本不輕,一般用家負擔不起。為此,我公司利用多年來建立的來源網絡,搜求同類產品,品質達到用家要求,價格顯著便宜,此舉有助我公司的客戶減低成本,從而提高產品的競爭力。我們在香港、珠江三角洲及長江三角洲已建立了良好的服務網,加上貨源充足,服務細緻,可幫助客戶解決在膠帶供應及使用上時常遇上之問題。我們相信我們不懈的努力和誠意的服務,定會獲得越來越多的認同和信賴 。

                        TO FIND USERS FOR TAPES "

has been our job since our company established in 1978. We have been importing various kinds of adhesives & packaging materials from Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia for, Hong Kong & China market. Because of the big variety and good quality, our company brand like NIKKO and JUMBO etc, plus our good service have been getting more and more approval and admiration day by day. With the remarkable progress in the field of computer, electronic and communications products, more high-tech special adhesive tapes are needed in the process of manufacturing. Meanwhile, the quality of local-made products are far from enough to satisfy the demands, therefore, the imported products such as 3M, NITTO, SONY, TERAOKA, etc take the major market shares. But to our regret, the prices of the aforesaid brands are very expensive bothering many manufacturer sand end-users. By using our sourcing networks, we are able to provide similar products at much cheaper price with acceptable quality in which it should be helpful to reduce our customers' production costs. Since we have had our good sales networks in Hong Kong and the area of Pearl-River Triangle & Chang Jiang River Triangle with continuous supplies and good services, we think we can help to solve the problem of supply & application that our customers always face and deserve more and more recognition and trust from our customers day by day.